Potluck Christians - What Do You Bring?
Beloved, As I stated last Wednesday, this month and this year seem to be moving forward at a rapid pace. We should make sure that we...

Imagine A World Without Need
Beloved, We are more than halfway through the fifth month of this year. They say that time flies when you are having fun. I am not sure...

Have You Thanked God For Your Last Blessing?
Beloved, Tonight, at HOPE Wednesday, our lesson is entitled, "Were Not All Ten Cleansed?", which comes from Luke 17:11-19. It deals with...

We Can Work It Out
Beloved, On this Wednesday, I am reflecting on a world, our world, that seems to be in a constant state of turmoil in so many ways. It...

God Keeps God's Promises
Beloved, We serve an awesome God. God is so awesome that God spoke a word and the world came into existence. God is so awesome that,...