Be Strong And Faithful For Someone Else
Beloved, First, I want to again thank all who made time to connect with us last night for church conference. My hope and prayer is that...

Playing It Safe Might Be Your Biggest Risk
Beloved, We are at midweek and midmonth on this Wednesday, January 13th in the year of our Lord, 2021. On Sunday, we experienced our...

A Day To Remember
Beloved, As many of us know, today is inauguration day for the 46th President of the United States of America. Today, President-elect...

Make Inauguration Day A Day Of Prayer
Beloved, As we approach this historic inauguration of our 46th President, we are going to intentionally disrupt our normal rhythm of...

The Year Of Restoration
would guess that all of us have seen or heard about the criminal disruption of the congressional procedures yesterday that delayed but...