What Is It All About?
Beloved, It is Wednesday, another wonderful Wednesday. Right now, where I am, it is raining. In every life, a little rain tends to fall...

Celebration of Life for Randell A. Cain, Sr.
Thank you for your calls, emails, texts, and prayers. My family needs all of the love you can provide. I am so appreciative of being a...
Passing of my father
Church family, Wanted to let you know that my father passed this morning. I will let you know about arrangements as soon as I know....

True Forgiveness
Beloved, It is Wednesday. And, it is HOPE Wednesday when we will have another Summer Mini Lesson. This evening's topic is "Being A...
Who Is Like The Lord?
Beloved, I am going to get right to it. Happy Birthday to me! God has graced me with 52 years on this side of glory and I know that I...

Work It Out
My Dearest Zion Memorial Missionary Baptist Church Family, How I missed you on this past Sunday. I enjoyed my time away; but, I always...

Funeral services for William Shannon
Church Family, Here is the updated information for the funeral services for William Shannon, brother of Mother/Sister Lilly Perry:...

Happy In(dependence) Day
Church Family, Happy 4th of July!!! 🇺🇸 It is the day that we celebrate our country’s independence. I pray that as we reflect on this...
Remember Who You Are
Beloved, We had a wonderful day of worship on Sunday culminating with another child of God coming forth to join our church family. ...