Faith For You And Somebody Else
I am typing this message to you while I am in Stamford, CT where it is 19 degrees outside and the expected high is supposed to be 33-34...

God Called Who?
Beloved, I am so excited about what God is doing in our growing church, Zion Memorial. I pray that you are proud, in a good way, of your...

Turning the world upside down...for Jesus
Church Family, First, I want to pray that all of you will have a safe, happy, and joyous Thanksgiving with the warmth and presence of...

Our Unity is Christ’s Glory
Beloved, Yesterday, I was at the church building, as we know that the church is the people and not the building, and it was a beehive of...

God Has Given You Something Better
StartFragmentBeloved, First, I offer you a word of apology for not sending out the Wednesday Word as I have done consistently for a...

Happy New Year!!!
StartFragmentChurch Family, If you are reading this email, it means that God has blessed you to see 2018. Hallelujah!!! It also means...