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Potluck Christians - What Do You Bring?

Beloved, As I stated last Wednesday, this month and this year seem to be moving forward at a rapid pace. We should make sure that we take time to enjoy life as God has given it to us. Sometimes, when we take take time to sit back and relax, we like to invite family and friends together for meals. Making it sound religious, we can call it fellowshipping with each other. Keeping it real, we like to come together to have a good time. Now, in having that good time together over a meal, sometimes one person will cook everything and ask you to show up with your appetite. Other times, each person is asked to bring something. We call that potluck. Typically, with a potluck meal, you know exactly what you are going to bring, your specialty. And, often, when people invite you over for the potluck meal, they are looking for that special thing that you make that seems to just complete the meal and enhance the gathering. Some people are really good at appetizers like chips and dip, pigs in a blanket, and sausage balls. Some people make really good meats like fried chicken, roasted ham, smoked turkey, roast beef and gravy, or barbecue ribs. Some people make really good side dishes like cheesy macaroni and cheese, green beans with ham hocks, collard greens with bacon, and buttery mashed potatoes. Some people make really good homemade bread and fresh rolls. Some people make really good desserts like German chocolate cake, cherry pie, and frosted cupcakes. You know, when you invite some people to that potluck meal, you are going to get something good and special that just completes your coming together. Beloved, as it is with the potluck meal, so it should be with the church. As you have potluck friends, the church should also have potluck Christians and I am not limiting that notion to the meals that we like to eat. What I mean is that everyone in the church is gifted by God to bring something into the Christian family that only they can bring which will make the family that much more complete. 1 Corinthians 12:7 reveals, "To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good." Beloved, the Apostle Paul was saying that we are, individually and collectively, potluck Christians. Wherever we go and whatever we do, we have something that we have been given by God to be used as a blessing in manifesting that we are a part of God's family. Beloved, as a potluck Christian, what do you bring? There are many things that some people may want to boast that they have; but, what do you bring - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually - that reveals who you are as a potluck Christian? The Apostle Paul went on to describe a variety of gifts - utterance of wisdom, utterance of knowledge, faith, healing, working of miracles, prophecy, spiritual discernment, speaking in tongues and interpreting tongues - not an exhaustive list but a description of what types of gifts the Holy Spirit has given. Now, slow your roll before you want to start pounding your chest about I see my gift in a prideful way because, in 1 Corinthians 13, we learn that love is the most important gift that we have been given and should give as we reveal the other gifts that we have. And some peoples' baditudes, bad attitudes, keep others from really wanting them to come around. You see, some people frequently do not get invited to the fellowship meal or the gathering because their attitudes are not right despite them having a great deal to offer to the potluck. Getting some people to share their gifts the right way can sometimes be a challenge. It almost appears as if they have forgotten that they did not get the gifts themselves. The gifts are gifts from God for 1 Corinthians 12:11 tells us, "All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses." So, beloved, as a potluck Christian, what has the Spirit given to you to bring to the Body of Christ? Are you bringing it? You only have one lifetime for it to be revealed and to be used. I strongly suggest that you use it and do not waste it or waste your time. You may just find that the joy you are seeking in this life is not found in your getting but in your giving, your giving the gift that God has given you to make the Body of Christ that much more complete, a Body of Christ made up of potluck Christians. Beloved, we, the potluck Christians, will meet for Noonday Prayer to bring what God has given us. Beloved, we, the potluck Christians, will listen to Zion's sermonic broadcast on The Light radio station at 3pm to bring what God has given us. Beloved, we, the potluck Christians, will meet at 6:30 for HOPE (Hour Of Power and Encouragement) Wednesday to bring what God has given us. Beloved, we, the potluck Christians, will gather at 11am on Sunday morning for worship service to bring what God has given us. And, beloved, we, the potluck Christians, will meet at 6pm on Sunday for Virtual Sunday School to bring what God has given us. I guess the question really is, are you a potluck Christian and will you be with us to bring what God has given us through you? As you ponder these things, remember, God loves you and I love you too! Be blessed, Rev. Cain P.S. Below please find the ways we are still connecting: WAYS TO CONNECT WITH ZION MEMORIAL MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY Worship Service at 11am Livestream via [Click on Watch Live Sermon Online. Will take you to Facebook page. From the page, click Videos located on the left-hand side.] or OR you may call in via the church conference line (301) 715-8592 Meeting ID: 817-6096-1653 SUNDAY Virtual Sunday School at 6pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 892 3895 4733 Passcode: 789298 OR (301) 715 8592 US Meeting ID: 892 3895 4733 Passcode: 789298 WEDNESDAY Noonday Prayer Call at 12pm/noon (301) 715-8592 Meeting ID: 869-9960-3471 WEDNESDAY HOPE Wednesday at 6:30pm Meeting ID: 537 763 787 OR (301) 715-8592 Meeting ID: 537 763 787


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