Is There Anyone Like The Lord?
We are now half way through the sixth month of the year and at the end of it, we will be halfway through the year of 2021. God has been so good to us during this pandemic, this Covid-19. When you get up each day, you may say that you are making it through. Be careful in your choice of words. Is it you making it through or is God bringing you through?
If the former, then you must be pretty powerful in being able to orchestrate your life through your own power; but, if it is the latter, then you may recognize that there is no one like the Lord.
On Sunday, what I called Hugs Sunday, we gathered together in a more free and open fashion that we have been robbed of since March 14, 2020. Masks were optional and distancing was relaxed. It was a beautiful sight as we were able to be freer in worshipping together. And, then, we had a wonderful meal together in the fellowship hall after not having done so in over a year and a half. We did not do it. God did it.
For those who prepared and came, I hope and pray it was a blessing for you, experiencing the goodness and greatness of the Lord reinforcing the truth found in Psalm 133:1, "How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!"
As things within the church and world are opening up, I also hope and pray that you will not lose focus on who is making it all possible, God. We should come together in unity whenever we can, not so much because of us but because of the Lord. We are His creation and we are His children. As any healthy functional family should desire to do, we should be intentional in coming together.
Why? I mean you can go on vacation for some time away and you can find other things to do as the world is opening up around you but is there anyone like the Lord? For all that you may be taking for granted right now that you can do after not being able to do it, is it not only because of the Lord?
Isaiah 40:28-29 explains, "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and strengthens the powerless."
Beloved, throughout this pandemic, this Covid-19, God, the Lord has been all of this to you. He has not tired of you when you tired of coming to Him. He has not been worn down by your problems as He has helped you to find solutions. He has given you wisdom when you have sought Him out that has helped you to make your way forward. When you have needed hope to press on, He has provided that hope. When you thought that you could not make it, He has been your waymaker. When you have been weak, He has been your strength.
Beloved, funny thing is, He always has been all of this to you. And, the funnier thing is, He always will.
Can you name another who is like this? Is there anyone like the Lord?
Beloved, show your thankfulness and gratitude to God by being steadfast in coming back to Him, being in His presence, gathering with your brothers and sisters in Christ without excuse or hesitation. God has made a way back. Continue to follow His leading and guiding you. There is no one like the Lord.
We will spend some time with our awesome God in prayer today at Noontime prayer. Spend some time with us.
We will hear a word about our God on The Light radio station at 3pm. Spend some time with us.
We will celebrate our fathers, our men, on Sunday morning at 11am and give them a special gift. Come and bring your father, a father, a man, to hear the message on Father's Day. Spend some time with us.
You see, beloved, when you spend time with God's people, the Lord's people, you are spending time with God and the more who gather, the more merry, joyful, and blessed time in the Lord we will have.
And God makes it all possible so that you will remember that God loves you!
And I tell you these things because I love you too!
Be blessed,
Rev. Cain