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Complete The Task


On this day, this Wednesday, this 11th day of November in the year of our Lord, 2020, this Veteran's Day, I want to encourage you in this ongoing, still challenging period of COVID-19, social disruption, economic upheaval, and political chaos and turmoil. I want to encourage you because as you are reading this message right now, you are to be congratulated for keeping on keeping on.

2020 has not been an easy year by any stretch of the imagination and I am so proud of how we, as people of faith, have individually and collectively found the wherewithal to rise day after day and meet the challenges in front of us.

Because we have faced challenges, on some days, it has felt like we are winning and gaining ground. Praise God! And, on some days, it has felt like we are losing and yielding ground. Praise God!

You see, prayerfully, through it all, winning and gaining or losing and yielding, you know that God was and is forever with you. God has never and will never leave you. And, God has never and will never forsake you. Praise God!

You see, beloved, God, who is eternal and is unbounded by time, knew of a day like today was coming and God has allowed you to live in and through these days because God needs for you to live in and through these days as a witness of the goodness, the greatness, and the love of God. Praise God!

So, as you face this day, like those who we celebrate on Veteran's Day, those who joined and faithfully served in the ranks of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard, you should rise with a sense of purpose and passion for this day because you are still in the land of the living only because God clearly has more for you to do.

God has some tasks for you to complete.

In your health, your body, the temple where the Holy Spirit resides, you have something to do in terms of showing others how to live Holy because God is Holy. Complete the task.

In your wealth, your treasure entrusted to you by God to meet your needs and wants, you have something to do in terms of showing others how to be Wise stewards over all that you have because all Wisdom comes from God, your Heavenly Father. Complete the task.

And, in your relationships, the points of connection to other people who will know you by your Love, you should strive to be a minister of reconciliation, an ambassador of love, a leader in service because that is what our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, modeled before the world, the world who our Heavenly Father Loved because God is Love.

And so, beloved, we all have work to do and, by the power of God, we will do the work that God has called us to do.

In similar fashion, the Apostle Paul encouraged the church at Colossae with these words from Colossians 4:17, "See that you complete the task that you have received in the Lord."

As the Apostle Paul wrote in Corinthians, beloved, I am so incredibly proud of how we have stood together and are making it through these tumultuous times. And, I want to encourage you as the Apostle Paul encouraged the church at Colossae to continue striving, struggling to thrive, as we make it through this time. Every single day, you are writing a story of faith, faith in our God. This is but one more chapter as you complete one more task.

So, let us be Holy in our health, Wise in our wealth, and Loving in our relationships. Complete the task.

We will gather together today for Noonday Prayer. This time has become a powerful time in the Lord helping those who connect to be better equipped in completing the task.

We will have the church's sermon broadcast at 3pm on The Light radio station. This time has become a beneficial time in the Lord helping those who need to hear an encouraging word in completing the task.

And, we will have HOPE Wednesday this evening via Zoom at 6:30pm. This time has become an enlightening time in the Lord helping those who need greater understanding of God's word in completing the task.

If you have a need, God will provide. Connect with us and join with us as we journey together to complete the task that we have received from God, a task that God is equipping us to complete for God's praise, God's honor, and God's glory.

And, remember, God loves you and I love you too!

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain

And, Happy Veteran's Day to all who have faithfully served our country in keeping us safe, broadening our freedoms, and protecting our ideals. May God bless you and smile upon you! Amen!


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