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Are You Tired Of Being Tired?


As we are rapidly approaching the end of the month of October and close to embarking on a new month, I am excited about all that God is doing in and through our lives.  We have been blessed with God's covering, keeping, provision and p


rotection during this season of COVID-19 as well as the social, civil, economic and political unrest that is unfolding before us.  Unrest, the opposite of rest, is an appropriate word for these times.

Are you tired?  Are you tired of being tired?  Do you need some rest from what plagues you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually?

We could almost comically have a duel, a contest of who has it worst.  You tell me your problems and I tell you mine and we compare who has the worst problems.  One thing for sure, we would both agree that we both have problems.

But, if we have problems, does God also have answers?  Does God have solutions?

Do you need some answers and solutions to what afflicts you?

Have you turned this way?  Have you turned that way?  

Have you turned to God?

In 2006, I answered my call into the ministry.  I preached my initial sermon that was entitled "Restoration" with the scripture being

2 Chronicles 7:14, "If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land."

Beloved, is that not what we are seeking in our lives right now, healing?  We want our bodies to be healed.  We want our minds to be healed.  We want our hearts to be healed.  And, we want our spirits, our souls, to be healed.

God told Solomon that before you get the healing, you have got to be forgiven.

Beloved, have you turned to God for your forgiveness and your healing?  Have you turned in the way that God said that His people need to turn, in answering to Him alone, in humility, in prayer, in seeking His face, in turning from those things that are unlike God?  God is waiting to respond with restoration.

And, do understand that the first four letters of restoration spell "REST". Are you tired of being tired?  Do you need some REST?  Do you need some RESToration?

You know what you need.  Turn to the source of all good and perfect gifts.  Turn to the God who desires to provide.  Turn to the God who loves you more than you can ever know; but, who desires to love you openly so that you and all will know the love of God.

Come to the God who offers RESToration.

And, as God RESTores you, know that His word was to a people, not to a single person.  His word was to the Israelites, not just to Solomon.  His word is to the church, not just to you.

Let us all seek RESToration because I imagine that most, if not all, of us are tired of being tired.  Let us be RESTored.

Connect for more RESToration at Noonday prayer.  Connect for more RESToration at HOPE Wednesday this evening.  Connect for more RESToration with your church family.

And, remember, God loves you and I love you too!

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain


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