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A Dinner Invitation


I am still full and thankful for being back with you on Sunday morning. How Zion Memorial gladdens my heart every time we come together. There are many church families in the world but there is none not like Zion Memorial.

One of the things that I have missed during this period of Covid is our ability to come together and freely fellowship. Typically, some of our most wonderful times of gathering have been around good meals. Sometimes people have prepared meals. Sometimes we have catered meals. Sometimes we have eaten in the fellowship hall. Sometimes it has been outside. Sometimes it has been at Tanglewood. Sometimes it has been at restaurants. Whenever we have come together over a good meal, we have had a good time.

These good times over good meals have helped us to build good, strong relationships with each other, not so much because of the meals but because the meals provided times for fellowship.

Beloved, Jesus fellowshipped with His disciples before He went to the cross. He had one last really good meal during Passover. We call it the Last Supper; but, Jesus wanted His disciples to know that it would not be the last meal that He would have with them...or us.

At the Last Supper, or what some call the Lord's Supper, Luke 22:15-16 reveals, "He said to them, 'I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; for I tell you, I will not eat it (again) until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.'"

Beloved, Jesus' Last Supper was really an apocalyptic moment where Jesus was transforming the Passover meal into one where He would forever be the focal point until there would be no Passover meal again when His kingdom had come.

There would be more Passover meals as we know. We celebrate our own version of it every First Sunday with Holy Communion, the Eucharist. We vicariously participate in what the disciples participated in directly with Jesus. We eat, we sup, with Jesus one more time; but, we have to understand that in this moment of transition, Jesus was not saying that He would never eat with His disciples again. He was telling them that they were invited to a dinner party that would come His kingdom.

Beloved, Jesus is standing at the door of your heart to invite you to the same dinner party. He wants you to receive His invitation to eat with Him, to sup with Him, in eternity in His kingdom.

Now, we may have had some grand meals and celebrations at Zion Memorial; but, with all due respect to our culinary committee led by Sister Jacqueline Roane, I do not think anybody is going to have a spread like Jesus Christ.

I cannot wait to go. What about you?

Who will be invited?

Jesus continued in Luke 22:28-30, "'You are those who have stood by me in my trials; and I confer on you, just as my Father conferred on me, a kingdom, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom...'"

Beloved, every time you go through something with and for God in the name of Jesus Christ as guided by the Holy Spirit, you are confirming that you have received the dinner invitation. You are confirming that you believe in the kingdom that is to come so much that you believe it is so near that you know that it is not only coming but that it is already here. The kingdom of God does not so much need to come. You just need to be prepared to go. And, you need to live as if you are already a citizen of such a kingdom of God.

Do you live like that? Do you believe like that? Do you have faith like that? Will you accept the dinner invitation?

Beloved, Jesus has prepared a place for all who will live, believe, and have faith in Him. And, He has extended the invitation to all.

With your faith, accept the dinner invitation, RSVP for your place at the table and prepare for the meal of your eternal life.

Beloved, accept the dinner invitation and connect with us at Noonday Prayer.

Beloved, accept the dinner invitation and connect with us for the sermonic message on The Light radio/internet broadcast at 3pm.

Beloved, accept the dinner invitation and connect with us for Sunday morning worship service in-person, on Facebook Live, or via the Zoom teleconference.

Come hungry and prepare to be well-fed by God through Jesus Christ as guided by the Holy Spirit.


Remember, God loves you and I love you too!

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain


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