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We are in the middle of Holy Week, the time between Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday, Easter Sunday. While some may be looking forward to a long weekend if you have Good Friday off, I hope and pray that you are also thinking about why you have that day off, your Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, dying on the cross for your sins and salvation.

What Jesus did for you and me was the most incredible act of love that anyone has ever done on behalf of anyone else.

You love your family. Jesus loved you more.

You love your friends. Jesus loved you more.

You love yourself. Jesus loved you more.

And, in making sure that Jesus' love did not end with Jesus, He left His disciples with a command, love.

Now, many of us have our own versions of what we call love. Some versions, when seen in action, can look pure and noble. Some other versions, when seen in action, can look twisted, selfish and perverted.

For clarity's sake, Jesus left nothing to question as He explained in John 13:34-35, "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciple, if you have love for one another."

Beloved, if you are or were confused, Jesus made it clear. You are supposed to love others like Jesus loved you, an agape love, where you put your selfish desires aside in selectively choosing who and how you love and you simply seek out the best for others rather than for yourself.

Do you love like that?

Now, if you look at your spouse, children, family, or friends and ask them, you are asking the wrong person.

You need to look at the Body of Christ, the church, and ask that question.

You see, Jesus was not speaking to His mother, Mary, His earthly Father, Joseph, or His siblings.

Jesus was speaking to those who were involved with His ministry.

Your love should start with the church and extend. The church should not be the last place where you show up and choose to show your love.

And, as Jesus made it quite clear, it is not optional or volunteer work. He gave a commandment.

Beloved, if you want to fulfill the call on your life from God, then do what Jesus commanded, love.

How might you love?

We will connect to share our love with each other at Noonday Prayer. If you can, will you be there? Will you love?

We will connect to share our love with each other at HOPE Wednesday this evening at 6:30pm. If you can, will you be there? Will you love?

We will connect to share our love with each other listening to our sermonic message on The Light radio station at 3pm today. If you can, will you be there? Will you love?

We will connect to share our love with each other for our Good Friday service at the church on Friday at 6:30pm - in person, on Facebook Live, and via the Zoom teleconference. If you can, will you be there? Will you love?

We will connect to share our love with each other on Resurrection Sunday, Easter Sunday - in person, on Facebook Live, and via the Zoom teleconference. If you can, will you be there? Will you love?

We will connect to share our love with each other for Virtual Sunday school at 6pm on Sunday. If you can, will you be there? Will you love?

We have so many opportunities to connect to share our love with each other. If you can, will you be there? Will you love?

While you are deciding whether you will follow the commandment of Jesus to love or not, remember that God loves you and I love you too!

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain


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