UPDATED Ways To Connect
I was so thrilled to have so many of you connect for our Resurrection/Easter Sunday worship service as well as our 1pm conference call.
I truly believe that our efforts to stay connected will make us stronger as a church family. Also, we are being blessed by being able to connect with others outside of Zion who need to hear a friendly voice and an encouraging word during this time of mandated separation. We may have to be apart due to social distancing; but, we will not settle for being alone. God is making a way for us to stay connected. Praise be to God!
In an effort to make the good better, I have modified the contact numbers for us as we connect on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
We will be using the Zoom technology, exclusively, when we connect via phone beginning on Wednesday at Noonday Prayer. We will continue to use Facebook Live for Sunday morning worship; BUT, the call in number will be accessible by Zoom.
Also, we will still have the video conference via Zoom for HOPE Wednesday.
PLEASE make note of the changes in that for each call, you will now have a MEETING ID that must be put in to access the call. You cannot just call in.
I apologize for the adjustment and disruption; but, this will be better for us going forward and should alleviate some of the connection issues we have sometimes had to endure.
I am including the information below and attaching a one pager for you to print if you desire.
It may seem like a lot; but, it will help us to connect better as we continue to trust God to lead us through these challenging times.
Be blessed,
Rev. Cain
Worship Service at 11am
Livestream via www.zmmbc.net [Click on Watch Live Sermon Online. Will take you to Facebook page. From the page, click Videos located on the left-hand side.]
or https://www.facebook.com/pg/ZionmemorialMBC/videos/
OR you may call in via the church conference line
(301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 817-6096-1653
Church Conference Call at 1pm
(301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 819-3606-1832
Noonday Prayer Call at 12pm/noon
(301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 869-9960-3471
HOPE Wednesday at 6:30pm
Meeting ID: 537 763 787
(301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 537 763 787
Church Conference Call at 1pm
(301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 819-3606-1832