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Do This

My Beloved Zion Memorial Church Family,

I thank God for you every day and the wonderful opportunity presented to me in being your pastor. I look forward to Wednesdays when I can share a word with you that, prayerfully, will help you between Sundays when we can gather together again.

As we support and inspire our youth with days like this past Sunday to celebrate their graduations and achievements, I believe it is important to support and inspire each other.

The world can be a cold, cruel place sometimes; BUT, we do not have to respond by being cold and cruel.

John 17:16 reminds us that we are in this world although we are no longer supposed to be of this world as we lead others to the world to come.

How can we lead others to the world to come while we are still in the world that is?

Do this.

Ephesians 5:1-2 tells us, "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."

Beloved, when you flex your authority over someone, rightly or wrongly, they might respond, "Who do they think they are? God?". Or you may hear the oft repeated retort, "You can't judge me."

Beloved, these words of combative conflict typically come from a person who is feeling convicted or condemned because of the inner turmoil associated with their own failed actions and feelings of inadequacy.

Basically, they feel bad about themselves and you have opened a wound that needs to be healed that they have likely been putting a band-aid on.

So, when you are following the will of God and get rejected for doing what is right in the eyes of God, know that it is not really between you and that person. It is really between them and God; but, they cannot fight God so you will do just fine. The battle is more so spiritual than it is personal.

So, you should do as God would have you to do and while you should never assume the role of God, you should assume the role that God has for you to play so that His revelation can come through you.

So, when you undertake God-like actions, you are simply doing as God would have you to do; BUT, before you get ready to adopt a God complex, you must also make sure that your God-like actions are complemented, if not superseded, by something else, the love of Christ.

Scripture tells us that for all of our works, if not accompanied by love, mean nothing.

Make sure that everything that you do means something.

While God's wisdom and light can expose a multitude of sins, exposure is not the chief concern. It is what happens next. What happens when the sin is exposed?

Will you separate the sin from the sinner, the action from the actor, the problem from the person, and love them?

The love of Christ is a love that sacrificed so that we could be our best selves.

What are you supposed to do?

Do this. Love like Christ loved us. Why?

Proverbs 10:12 tells us, "Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses."

So, as you go through your day, child of God, make sure that you show the love of God. You need that love. I need that love. Everybody needs that love.

Do this. Give that love.

Tonight, we continue in our journey on prayer. We are almost at the end of our study; but, our prayers will continue. I pray that you are learning, growing, and being transformed by what is taking place. Stay the course.

I will have more surveys to pass out tonight about the summer mini lessons. Please share your ideas. It will shape our summer experiences.

And, invite someone to come out with you. Even though we are close to the end, know that a little of something is better than a lot of nothing.

And, remember, God loves you and I love you too!

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain

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