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God Has A Plan For You


Do you have plans for your life? Do your plans match up to God's plans for your life? Do you know the plans that God has for your life?

I ask these questions because the order of our lives and the actions we take are dictated by the intentional and unintentional plans we have for our lives. And, the order and actions determine the outcomes that we will experience.

This past Sunday, God gave us a word related to His truths and His consequences based on His truths.

There is an ultimate truth behind all that God has done, is doing, and will do.

Know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, God has a plan for you.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 1:3-6,

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, just as he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love. He destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace that he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved."

Basically, God is in heaven working things out for you.

Basically, before the beginning of our time, the timeless God, through His grace (unmerited favor given to us), sent Jesus to us so that we could be holy and blameless so that we could become His children.

Basically, like any other adoption, God decided that He wanted you and needed to find a way to get you.

Basically, God had a plan for you before you were even you.

And, basically, His plan for you is to bless you and bring Him glory.

And, we all need to understand that we can accept or reject the plan of God.

We can choose to satisfy ourselves and seek that satisfaction in the ways of the world...or we can do something else.

The something else is to seek to agree with God, fulfill His plan for our lives, and know that by doing so, we will be holy, blameless, and adopted as His children.

Hmmm. What to do?

Choose your plan and get what the world offers which typically comes with disappointment, pain and frustration?

Or, choose God's plan and experience blessings, grace, mercy, joy, love and peace?

When we sing "I Have Decided To Follow Jesus", one of the key verses is "The world behind me. The cross before me."

We sing that we have made the choice to exchange the world's way for God's way, the world's system for God's system, the world's plan for God's plan.

Is it a song or is it a declaration?

Do know, of all the planning that you do, the most important plan to learn, trust and follow is the plan given to you by the one who has given you life and offers you life everlasting. That plan comes from God.

Accept it or reject it, but do know that God has a plan for you.

Tonight, at HOPE Wednesday, we will journey together in learning more about God's plan for you, me and everyone else.

You should come. And, you should invite someone to come with you. The invitation may need to be extended to one of our own brothers and sisters of Zion. It may need to go to someone who is searching for a church family. I do not know for sure but I do know that God expects for us to be His ambassadors in this world. That is a part of His plan too.

I look forward to seeing you and those who you invite to come with you.

God loves you and I love you too.

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain

P.S. We have a dynamic and informative health fair on Saturday beginning at 9am. As we have learned, teach, and preach, God impacts our lives directly in our health, wealth, and relationships and we, as a church family, are striving to cooperate with the revelation God is giving us in these areas. Come and let God reveal more of how you can live a more healthy lifestyle in this temple of God that we call our bodies. And, bring someone with you who needs to take advantage of this wonderful, FREE opportunity.

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