What You Do Matters To God
I am excited. I am really excited. I am excited because tomorrow is our anniversary. You see, on April 8, 2017, I was installed as the sixth Pastor of this great and growing church, Zion Memorial Missionary Baptist Church. We united in a relationship of spiritual journey and seasonal fellowship for my time as the undershepherd, knowing that Christ is the shepherd and head of every Christian church. But, I will have more to share on that tomorrow, our anniversary.
But, in terms of today, as I think about tomorrow and the four years that preceded that day, I can only think about how my greatest desire has been to please God in serving you. It has never been about me. It has been all about God and you. And, I think, overall, God has blessed our collective efforts.
I wonder do we ever think about why we do what we do. You see, what you do matters. It should matter to you. It should matter to those around you. But, if by chance you cease to look in the direction of self and others, know that what you do really matters to God.
I want to make a point here in sharing that what you do matters to God because I think that we often struggle with living the Christian life. At least, I know that I do.
The world can be seductively attractive and you can find many people, places and things to busy yourself with and act as if the things of God do not matter too much. You can gather with the church when you want to. You can show up for Sunday School, virtual or otherwise, when you want to. You can come to or connect with HOPE Wednesday when you want to. You can say you will show up and show up when you want to.
Funny thing is, when it comes to your desires to do things in the world, you can often make those other things a priority more so than you prioritize the things of God.
What do I mean?
If you have a job, you show up on time and do what they tell you to do because you believe there are consequences. To you, the job matters. Oh, and by the way, God provided that job for you.
If you have a family, you make sure you provide for them, take care of them, and give them what they need and often what they want because you want to please them. To you, the family matters. Oh, and by the way, God provided that family for you.
If you have friends or favorite things to do, you make sure you make time for all as best you can because you want to enjoy your life. To you, friends and your favorite things matter. Oh, and by the way, God provided friends and things for you.
Beloved, for what you do for job, family, friends and your favorite things, where does God fit, the God who provides everything for you?
Or, better stated, does God fit?
And, if God does fit, is it only on the occasional Sunday morning feeling of "I should go to church today because it has been a while" or "Let me flip on the livestream and hear what the preacher is talking about today"?
Beloved, I am going to keep it real. When I was out in the world, I was you. Before I came to Christ, I was you. After I came to Christ, I was you. And, I am writing of the worst version of you who could take from God in this world and leave that seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness to somebody else, sometime else, somewhere else.
And then, everything changed when I realized that the you who I was was holding me back from being the man who God wanted and needed me to be. Praise be to God for second chances...and third, fourth, fifth, sixth (I think you get my point) chances too!
Then, I began to see life differently. I realized that what I do matters to God...and it should matter to me that much more because of my relationship with God.
You see, as I encourage you to look and live above "See level", I want to also encourage you to realize and remember that you are living to live again, not just living for today or the weekend.
The Apostle Paul put it this way in 2 Corinthians 5:10, "For all of us must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive recompense for what has been done in the body, whether good or evil."
In other words, what you do matters to God.
How you feel about God matters to God.
How you think about God matters to God.
How you talk about God matters to God.
How you plan your life matters to God.
How you live your life matters to God.
And, whether you realize that or not, one day it is going to really matter to you.
Maybe today is a good day for you to realize that what you do matters to God and see if there are some changes that you need to make today, not tomorrow, not on Sunday, so that the life you live reflects the fact that you know that what you do matters to God.
And, at the end of your days, what you do for God is all that really matters.
Beloved, I encourage you to connect for Noonday Prayer because connecting with the church for prayer matters to God.
Beloved, I encourage you to listen to the sermonic messages of this church body on The Light radio station or internet because hearing God's word preached to your church family and others matters to God.
Beloved, I encourage you to connect at 6:30pm for HOPE Wednesday because learning more about God and God's word matters to God.
Beloved, I encourage you to meet with us on Sunday morning, in person if possible, other means if necessary, because gathering with the church family matters to God.
And, beloved, I encourage you to meet with us on Sunday evening for virtual Sunday School because learning even more about God's word matters to God.
Beloved, as your Pastor, I have poured into you because I know what you do matters to God.
And, beloved, you matter to God and you matter to me too.
Remember, God loves you and I love you too.
Be blessed,
Rev. Cain
